You didn’t come this far to stop.

AI helping to fix Problems as sea logo logo

Be part of the change

Being part of the cruisers sailing community is essential for fostering solidarity and mutual assistance, mirroring the camaraderie we experience while navigating the seas. By joining, you're immersing yourself in a network of individuals who not only share your enthusiasm for sailing but are also connected through a platform empowered by artificial intelligence. This unique combination enhances our community, offering a dynamic space for exchanging experiences, knowledge, and advice, thus significantly enriching our sailing adventures.

This community is a treasure trove of resources for anyone interested in life at sea, sailing techniques, or navigating unforeseen challenges. With the addition of AI technology, we ensure that you can swiftly and effortlessly access the solutions you need.

When you become a member, you're not just gaining access to invaluable information; you're also contributing to the growth and dynamism of the community by sharing your own insights and experiences. Imagine a community where human warmth meets the efficiency of AI, creating a seamless blend of personal connection and technological convenience, all dedicated to enhancing your sailing journey.

replacing the volvo penta d1-30 exhaust elbows that where corroded
replacing the volvo penta d1-30 exhaust elbows that where corroded


Who we are

As a full-time liveaboard family with many years of sailing under our belt, we've journeyed through countless adventures and faced so many challenges. One of the most persistent struggles has been finding relevant and up-to-date information. We've often found ourselves navigating through a sea of outdated comments on websites, apps, and resources, searching for answers to our questions. This has not only tested us but also sparked a desire in us to create something better for our community... read more